October 6, 2021
I didn't expect to be updating this blog anymore (again) but I never re-enabled the download links for the original Dynablocks Remake so I'm here to say that the Download links are back up. Also here's a screenshot of a Godot port I randomly started making:
I didn't expect to be updating this blog anymore but thanks to Grzesiu Franek, they have concluded that the Dynablocks remake is not a virus. I'm sure myself and many others are relieved at this news. I guess the virus on my pc (at the time) never got to it.
If you have evidence that the Dynablocks Remake is still a virus, please contact me at supergevworld@gmail.com
June 23, 2021
Hello. It's been well over a year since this website was updated and also well over a year since I've updated the Dynablocks remake. I just lost interest shortly after release of the base engine and the skateboarding game.
Also, I think I may have had a virus on my PC as of creating the game so if you've downloaded the games, you may want to do a full system scan just in case. I'm not saying that there is a virus in the Dynablocks games but it is a possibility. That's why I'm taking down the downloads for the exes until further notice which will probably be forever as I will get side tracked like that time I said I would port the game to Mac.
But one thing that will release in replacement is the source code for the game and from what I know with the virus that I had, it only ever copied itself into exes. There are no exes in the source code as far as I know. I actually had this idea months ago so there will be a readme file that is very outdated in terms of talking about my YouTube channel. Importing the games into Unity is easy. Just click the add button in Unity Hub and insert the folder Dynablocks Engine or Dynablocks Skateboarding.
Hopefully someone else will update Dynablocks as I don't have much interest in continuing it myself.
You can download the source code here
PS: If there is any personal information found in the source code, please notify me at supergevworld@gmail.com
Hello and welcome to Dynablocks a development platform that is currently under heavy development.
Creating a development platform is difficult so at the moment, only admins can make games but we are working on giving you beta testers lots of stuff to do. Here is a screenshot of one of our showcases we're working on: